6 months internship. Twice a year.

You'll be at the heart of important projects, working closely with product teams on the next big thing. Your work will have an impact on projects and the lives of many people.

You'll fit in with us if you …

  • feel the urge to enter unknown territory, have the willingness to question everything and the will to always be one step ahead.
  • have a structured, independent and solution-oriented approach to work.
  • have a solid understanding of typography, colour, layout and hierarchy.
  • have mastered initial web and app design projects and are able to work with layout programs without issue.
  • have good written and verbal communication skills.
  • like to share your skills, keep up to date and are willing to engage in good discussion
  • are looking for a compulsory internship for your degree programme and have studied for at least 4 semesters

Curious about what you do? This is what one week could look like:


Get into the action with a weekly exchange on urgent topics. This way you can keep track of all the projects that are being worked on in parallel.

Lena's Intern Story
Eine Frau mit dunkelblondem schulterlangem Haar und runder Brille trägt eine Winterjacke, einen Arm zum Öffnen der Tür ausgestreckt, in der anderen Hand Papiere, geht durch eine moderne Holztür. Im Hintergrund ist ein modernes Gebäude zu sehen.

DUMBO presented many UX topics in a different way than I knew from other UX sources. Especially on how topics can be examined from different perspectives and critically questioned.

Metal-framed glasses with round lenses are flipped upside down on an open notebook with black handwritten notes that span the entire double-page spread.

Sometimes you feel like you're stuck and have no way out. Often these were the moments followed by a big breakthrough. So don't despair, but trust that you will find a solution together.

Ein weißer Mann mit dunklem Haar und Vollbart sitzt vor einer Betonwand neben einer weißen Frau mit dunkelblondem Haar und Brille, die auf eine Tastatur tippt, beide schauen auf einen Bildschirm in einem seitlichen Schwarz-Weiß-Bild.

True to Robert's motto "Pushing the Limits", DUMBO does not do things halfway. If something doesn't work, they tweak it until it does. Of course, this involves more effort, but it is always worth it in the end. The quality of the results is extremely high.

Vier Personen sitzen an einem Tisch, auf dem noch Essen steht.

Everything I wanted for the Master's thesis I achieved with DUMBO as a contact person at my side! I find it especially great that my research has a direct influence on practice.

Winter term 2020/21
Alisha's Intern Story

DUMBO stands for independence, which is granted to everyone with regard to decisions in the design process right from the start. This is thanks to the strong team spirit, the trust placed in each other, and the reliability that results from it.

Eine weiße Frau mit blondem Haar, einem Zopf, Ohrringen und einer Brille, bekleidet mit einem schwarzen Oberteil, schaut zur Seite.

No one feels disturbed by questions — quite the opposite. The open working atmosphere invites people to talk to each other across desks or to sit down together at short notice for discussions.

Auf einem weißen Blatt Papier, auf das schwarze Wireframes gezeichnet sind, liegt ein offener Metallstift.

Uncertainties and doubts about your own abilities quickly disappear with increasing knowledge of internal processes and the concretisation of tasks.

Eine weiße Frau mit blondem, zu einem Zopf gebundenem Haar, einer Brille und einem dunklen, langärmeligen Oberteil sitzt an einem Schreibtisch, mit Blick nach vorn, und hält eine Computermaus in der rechten Hand, von der Seite fotografiert.

Good arguments are needed to push design decisions. That means questioning everything and not taking anything for granted. This is how DUMBO not only designs great products, but also has a positive influence on the clients' internal structures.

I am always fascinated by how DUMBO, through the interaction of many small detailed solutions, creates a product that systematically anticipates problems and solves them as if by magic.

Winter term 2019/20
Konstantin's Intern Story
Ein dunkel gekleideter weißer Mann mit dunklen Haaren und kurzem Bart lächelt, während er eine Holztreppe mit einem Metallgeländer hinaufsteigt. Im Hintergrund sind eine Betonwand und eine Plexiglasscheibe zu sehen.

Being held to a particularly high standard not only in my own work, but also the projects being worked on, was to be expected. But what impressed me was the relaxed and friendly atmosphere I experienced on my first visit.

I have learned not to take the easy way out and justify bad design by a "lack of alternatives". I learned to approach screen design systematically. And that the first design doesn't have to be at production level.

Ein dunkel gekleideter weißer Mann mit dunklen Haaren und kurzem Bart befestigt etwas an einer Betonwand, an der beschriftete Klebezettel angebracht sind.

Robert and Felix are usually busy, so I was often unsure at the beginning, whether it disturbed them when I asked for feedback or had questions. But it definitely didn't. Always just ask.

A white man with dark hair and a short beard stands in front of a concrete wall covered in different colored adhesive notes, facing the camera. The blurry upper body of a dark-clad blonde woman with a braid from behind and another person's dark-clad shoulder are in the foreground.

A well-coordinated and satisfied team is very important for Robert and Felix. And that really pays off, in my opinion.

I find it remarkable that no one at DUMBO works on projects that are later secretly swept under the carpet. Everything is optimised with attention to detail, and if you can do it better, you do it even better.

The work you do as a designer usually has a very direct, noticeable effect. This applies to all design disciplines, of course, but I think this influence is greatest in UX design, which is why this area particularly appeals to me.

Winter term 2018/19
Go ahead, have your own experience.