»Scrolling is a continuation; clicking is a decision.« (Josh Porter)
If »Above the fold« is only the space of a business card, we have to use it to express the essence of the site. The better we can do this, the faster the user can orientate themselves. The user will decide for themselves whether they need or want more. When we structure pages, our goal should be that the user never sees the end of the page. They should have been able to do their job before that happens.
What’s important to remember is that scrolling is not a metric by which the performance of a website can be generally assessed. It is merely an indicator of commitment and the need for more information. The only true indicator of performance is whether the user is able to succeed in achieving the concrete goal that they are there for. The clearer the goal is to us, the better we can determine the corresponding KPI (Key Performance Indicator) for it. So our focus has to be on defining the promise to the user.
Here at DUMBO, we use a simple framework to structure content for digital products and services. It is called Interaction Archetype. Essentially, we use it to define decision criteria for prioritizing content. If you enjoyed this article, you might find it helpful!